CAMC Code of Professional Conduct

CAMC Members agree to maintain the spirit and ideals of the following stated principles of professional ethics and conduct in the execution of municipal communications. Members are permitted to state openly that they work in alignment with, and are committed to the principles of, the CAMC Code of Professional Conduct.

1. Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner

CAMC Members must conduct themselves in a professional manner which does not reflect poorly on the profession of Municipal Communications, within their professional lives, including that they work in the best interest of their community at all times, that they do not promote misinformation/disinformation, and that they respect the rights of the public, as contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

2. Members shall act with integrity and honesty

CAMC Members commit to combatting misinformation/disinformation in all aspects of their professional lives, including that they do not intentionally fabricate and/or share misinformation, false statements, hyperboles, extravagant claims, or plagiarized work, and that they do not in any other way knowingly perpetuate and/or validate information which they know to be objectively false.

3. Members shall conduct public engagement meaningfully

CAMC Members commit to designing, executing, analyzing, and reporting on public engagement processes in a manner that is meaningful, in so much that it bears the potential of proving valuable as an input to relevant Council's decision-making processes, and/or to the planning and execution of municipal operations and service delivery.

4. Members shall accurately represent engagement and campaign results

CAMC Members commit to reporting an accurate representation of the results, success, reach, outcomes, and impacts of all communications campaigns; and to accurately portraying the results of community and public engagement undertaken in their professional role, including internally to Administration and Council, and externally to the public, respective to the project undertaken.

5. Members shall use technology ethically

CAMC Members commit to using all technological tools effectively, including artificial intelligence (AI), so as not to exploit, discriminate or encourage bias in any manner while using such tools; and to be transparent in the use of such tools, as appropriate.